June Gloom

As promised, here’s a picture of what the garden looks like today. The large bare area to the left side of the screen is the veggie garden, which has been tilled and partially seeded. Look!  Stuff is growing! You’ll also see the “path to nowhere” in the foreground (it leads just out of view behind the avocado tree, then abruptly ends.)

The daisies in the center of the picture were a gift from my sister. She had them in pots on her patio, and they ourgrew their pots. They’re thriving here, and may outgrow my garden, despite my aggressively picking them! The palm right behind them doesn’t exactly belong there, but it hasn’t died yet, so it’s staying.

The patch of bright green to the left is where the grapevines are. The grapevines themselves are barely a couple of feet tall, so they aren’t very visible in the picture. There are eight of them, two each of four different varieties. They were planted as bare-root plants during the winter. All but one are growing nicely.

You’ll note from the photo that it’s cloudy today. It’s also quite chilly– it was only about 40 degrees F when I woke up this morning, which is c-o-l-d for San Diego. The clouds are expected to clear up in the afternoon. This condition is locally known as the June Gloom, because typically our entire month of June follows the pattern of grey mornings and partially sunny afternoons. (Note to tourists: June is not the month to visit San Diego! May, September, and October are our best weather months, if you want warm, sunny, breezy days.)

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Welcome to the Gardenlog

It’s amazing what you can accomplish on rainy Saturday! As I’ve been threatening promising, here is the Gardenlog.

Here’s a picture of what I started with: The backyard, still looking north (Clicking on the photo will get you a larger version of it.)

As you can see, the previous owners apparently spent a lot of time not watering and spraying gallons of Roundup to keep the weeds away. I suspect that Roundup poisoning is what’s wrong with one of the avocado trees. Hopefully we had enough rain this winter to remove any remaining herbicides.

This photo was taken in early October 2000, shortly before I moved in. It looks a little different now, as you’ll see in tomorrow’s picture.

My Burpee order finally came this week. Sixty bucks worth of seeds to fill up that vast expanse of brown dirt there.