A couple of random photos

Here is a recent photo of the garden. The daisies in the right and center foreground are my best crop so far. Believe it or not, that mass of flowers is only two plants, and a couple of months ago they lived in a pot on my sister’s patio. You can also see some of the tomatoes and eggplants in the left and center foreground. Corn is in the center of the photo.

Figs! Under ideal conditions, a fig tree bears two crops; one in the spring, and one in the late summer. The spring crop looks good. They are of normal size and are starting to ripen.

I suspect that in a couple of months I will be as sick of figs as I am of avocados.

The grapevines are doing well too, but I’m a little disappointed that they’re not growing much larger. My neighbor has some vines that are growing over his fence already. These were planted from two year old bare-root stock, so they ought to be a little bigger. No signs of any grapes yet.