Next generation SUV

This is funny. I drive a Subaru Forester (arguably the first of the mini-SUVs) and I’m constantly amazed when I’m passed on the freeway by behemoths like the Cadillac Escalade and Ford Excursion. Nobody needs a vehicle that big. But this is a little bigger….


My observations on the Oscars:

1. Is there anything Helen Hunt could have done to make herself look less attractive? Bad dress. Bad hair. Bad makeup. Bad tan. And no statue this year.

2. Woody Allen has more hair than Ron Howard.

3. Russell, you wuz robbed. But nicely.

Of the films that won or were nominated, I’ve seen exactly one: The Wacky Mathematician, err, “A Beautiful Mind”, and that only because a very geeky date wanted to see it. (My choice, “Shrek”, was overruled.) I need to get out more.

Reason #422

… on a long list of why you shouldn’t use that bloated piece-of-crap browser from the Evil Empire. The already-doomed Morpheus file-sharing protocol installs a browser add-in that redirects you to your destination via a site that they control.

I’m awfully glad I use Opera.

Oh yes…

I’m baaaaaaaack. More exactly, I have returned from a lengthy hiatus.

It’s not exactly that I haven’t wanted to update here. It’s simply that I was overtaken by events; between work, some personal issues, technical problems, and my own usual winter sluggishness, nothing much got done here.

But now spring is in the air, and I have shrugged off my winter sloth (say that three times fast.) I have switched browsers and made the necessary technical changes to make Opera work with my Greymatter weblog software. Work is still work, but the paycheck is still a paycheck, so call that even.

And if you are a follower of the GardenLog, you will note some changes appearing there over the next couple of days as I begin my spring gardening.