America’s Cup

The Louis Vuitton Cup is a series of match races that lead up to the America’s Cup.  So what do you get when you send a team that has an unlimited supply of money, all the experience that money can buy, a venue that’s made for sailing, and arguably the fastest boat on the water? 

You get a bunch of losers.  There won’t be an America in the America’s Cup this year– BMW Oracle, the USA’s entry, got eliminated by the Italians today.

Just what the U-T needed

My local paper’s website has started allowing users to comment anonymously on stories.  Yeah, that’s just the clever, edgy thing to improve their flagging circulation.  As evidence I give you today’s story on the grocery workers’ contract talks.  The story itself is fine, but scroll down to the comments. 

Hey, U-T!  get a clue: I don’t read the paper to get silly, bigoted comments from mouth-breathers who think the way to add emphasis to their words is to add a whole bunch of exclamation points!!1!11!!!!!  Yeah, nothing says “rational discourse” like run-on sentences in all caps saying that what we need is more and bigger Wal-Marts.  I’d accuse them of being poorly thought out, but thinking is obviously a skill they haven’t learned.


I can’t believe that none of you geeks bothered to let me know the “comments” function wasn’t working. (it is now.)

Then again, I can’t believe that I didn’t test it after migrating to the new host either.

Welcome to Corporate America…

… where it is illegal for you to know this number: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0  (For the non-technical, that’s a hexidecimal number.  We programmers prefer that notation.  In decimal, it’s 13,256,278,887,989,457,651,018,865,901,401,704,640.)

Why is this number special?  It’s the encryption key that controls the DRM (Digital Restriction Management) for every high definition (HD-DVD and BluRay) DVD sold to date.  If you are a very talented programmer, you can use that magic number to decrypt and back up your original DVDs.  A consortium of media companies claims they own it, and under the US Digital Millenium Copyright Act, they can censor anyone who publishes it.