Water woes

I’m still getting used to watering the back garden. There’s a fine line between not enough water and too much. The sprinkler system back there is entirely inadequate. (It was designed for the prior residents’ “orchard” configuration, and not at all for my “garden” layout.)

So far I’ve avoided digging trenches and laying new sprinkler pipes. I wanted to get a feel for how much water was needed, and where, before I did that. Of course, the downside of that is that I have to get up early two or three days a week and go out and turn on the sprinklers manually. This needs to be done in the early morning, before the sun gets too hot– I don’t want to burn the tender young plants.

As the days get longer and it gets hot earlier, I expect this little task will get more and more onerous. Anybody want to bet that I’ll laying sprinkler lines by next month?