About Me

Personal history is boring, so I’ll try to be brief.

I am Frank Hicinbothem, a fifty-something techie, woodworker, gadabout, and ne’er-do-well. I live in La Mesa, a small town a few miles east of San Diego, CA, USA. I spend most of my free time these days kayaking, fishing, and playing with boats. I have a 27′ Catalina sailboat that I keep at Marina Village, in Quivira Basin, near Mission Beach. To pay for my boating addiction, I solve problems for a major clinical laboratory company. I also build furniture and cabinetry, generally “to the trade” (but if you need something done, contact me and we’ll talk.)

I also do custom programming and technical writing, and I’m available to consult on database projects. If you need help with any of those things, send me an email. (There’s a link over there to the left.)
Aboard my boat off Ocean Beach, sailing_off_ob_3just south of the Mission Bay Inlet in San Diego, on a beautiful day last fall. San Diego is a sailor’s paradise. Clear warm days with light winds from the west are pretty much the norm. Winds tend to pick up a bit in the afternoon. Occasionally in the winter we’ll have a few days of warm dry winds that blow from the east (known locally as “Santa Ana winds” for no good reason.) The Santa Anas make for some spectacular sailing.