15 Simple Ways to Overcome Anger

Courtesy of ThinkSimpleNow.com

Can you recall the last time you were really angry at someone? So much so that you were physically shaken just at the thought of them? Rarely does this feeling of anger help us in getting what we want. Often, it will work against us, resulting in more pain, unnecessarily.

Even the most gentle of personalities can temporarily turn into a vindictive rascal, if pushed far enough.

A friend of mine is going through a divorce with a spouse who is unreasonably prolonging the process. He’s sad, hurt, upset, frustrated and very, very angry. Words of anger and hatred spout out of his – otherwise polite and thoughtful – mouth. He was no longer his authentic and peaceful self. And he didn’t like who he was becoming.

Through helping him come to a place of understanding and forgiveness of his ex-spouse with love, compassion and humility (we had to dig deep), I realized that the same tools can be used in dealing with other negative emotions.

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30 True Things You Need to Know

30 essential truths to remind us that while we can’t escape who we are or what has happened to us; we are responsible for who we would like to be and where we want to go. I see incredible value in learning and living these truths. Here is how each truth touches my heart; I hope you find hope and value in these, too:
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Cat Found!!!

This might be the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.

I particularly like the “not house broken either :-(” line.

(For the critter-impaired, that’s not a cat, it’s a possum.)

San Diego Fires

Just a brief note for my family and friends:  we’re all fine, and both my house and Sara’s house are both safe as of this moment.  We’re all ready to evacuate if the situation changes.  Should it become necessary, our plan is to head down to my boat in Mission Bay.  We can all sleep aboard Simone for a few days if we have to.  That won’t be fun, but not much of the current crisis is, and it beats the alternatives.

Sara’s school is not in a threatened area, but they shut it down and sent the kids home yesterday afternoon.  They’re all home today.  Pretty much everybody who doesn’t have to be somewhere is staying home today, just waiting it out. 

My lab was evac’ed yesterday during the day.  As of last night, it was still there but the fire was close.  I haven’t heard anything since then… but I haven’t seen the smoking ruins on the TV news and the I.T. infrastructure is still up, both of which are good things.  I work remotely and nothing here has been affected, except for a brief power outage last night.

It’s pretty surreal.  For those of us who haven’t been evacuated, the whole atmosphere is almost exactly like it is before and during a monster east-coast snowstorm.  Here where I live (in a semi-rural area of the county, east of the city of San Diego) the air is relatively clear with just a bit of smoke.  It’s clear, dry, and hot, with barely a breath of wind at the moment.  (“No wind” is the best possible news; unfortunately, it’s not true everywhere in the area.)

Please don’t try to call our cell phones; they’re all on the chargers in case we have to bail out quickly, the cell network is being badly strained from all the traffic, and some of the infrastructure has been destroyed by the fires.  If we do have to evacuate, we’ll update Sue as to the situation.

America’s Cup

The Louis Vuitton Cup is a series of match races that lead up to the America’s Cup.  So what do you get when you send a team that has an unlimited supply of money, all the experience that money can buy, a venue that’s made for sailing, and arguably the fastest boat on the water? 

You get a bunch of losers.  There won’t be an America in the America’s Cup this year– BMW Oracle, the USA’s entry, got eliminated by the Italians today.


I can’t believe that none of you geeks bothered to let me know the “comments” function wasn’t working. (it is now.)

Then again, I can’t believe that I didn’t test it after migrating to the new host either.